Disabling the Sleep Mode Function
Auto Sleep automatically switches the machine into Sleep if left idle for a preset time.
The default preset time is 1 minute, to increase the sleep timer, perform the following actions:
Select the [OK] key to display the screen.
Press the [Menu] key, go down using the [▼] key till you find [Device Common], press the [OK] key.
Go down using the [▼] key till you find [Timer Setting], press [OK] key.
The user authentication screen appears.
Press [OK] key on the username, and you’ll get a cursor, Enter Admin.
Note the A is capital, to get capital A, toggle number 2, 4 times etc..). To delete an incorrect input, press the C key.
For the newer model Kyocera PAxxX, the password is the serial number of the unit located behind the mp tray once opened.
Press [OK] key when you finish entering the username.
It’s time to enter the password,
Press the [OK] key on the password, and you’ll get a cursor, Enter Admin, the A is capital, Press the [OK] key when you finish entering the password.
Now we need to select [Login], the login is the physical black button in the bottom right corner of the screen under where it says login.
Once you successfully login, Go down using the [▼] key till you find [Sleep Timer], press the [OK] key. Enter [120] followed by the [OK] key.
Now press the back button[<-] once to go back a step.
Go down using the [▼] key till you find [Sleep Level Set], press the [OK] key, now you will see [Sleep Level], press the [OK] key again.
Go down using the [▼] key, Set to [Quick Recovery] followed by the [OK] key.
Reboot the printer using the white power button on the front to apply the new settings (Power off\On)